Thursday, January 3, 2013

All a twitter

I was mindlessly checking my phone last week as I waited at the bank. It was a random thought that I tweeted from @designerDEPT728 to @mrjoezee: you need a tee that says 'you may not think so now, but I will be right by the end of this episode.' Mostly because as the mentor of Sundance Channel's All on the Line, Joe Zee has amazing insight into the fashion industry, and also because the designers that don't listen to him wind up paying for it in the end (who goes into a huge buyer appointment, and wants to come out of it without an order, seriously!). As luck would have it, Joe Zee saw the post, retweeted it, and replied! I was super-excited! So I figured the least I could do is actually make him the tee. I had to do a little research to get his office address, and I guessed the size, so let's hope it fits, and he likes it (I'm crossing my fingers).

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